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5 Key CRM Features to Have on Your Radar

The complex technology of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems is changing all the time. Companies have already had to consider many changes in 2017, facing the important decision to either switch out CRM systems or build onto existing platforms.

As Customer Relationship Management Systems evolve to meet industry needs, the nature of work is changing for users from a broad range of departments - from sales and marketing teams, to traffic managers and quality control professionals. Many new features have become available to large companies and organizations, and even more changes await on the horizon for these complex systems. Knowing which components of these systems will benefit your business and deciding how to effectively incorporate them could improve your bottom line.

Take a look at these new features in CRM technology, and decide what aspects could benefit your business.

1. Prioritizing Mobile Transactions

With increases in the amount of time customers spend engaging with businesses on their mobile devices, many companies have asked for features that prioritize mobile communications and mobile-friendly transactions. In response, CRM systems have become more adaptable and flexible. CRM technology now offers functions that can be carried out on large digital platforms, as well as mobile devices. Some CRM systems are even making the mobile-friendly component available to users behind the scenes so that powerful business operations can be controlled via an iPad or mobile phone.

2. Logging Activities and Processes

Over time, CRM systems have come to offer more options to sales professionals who are working on transactions from the inside. Many systems have evolved to offer activity logs, progress trackers and other methods for recording the steps in certain business processes. Individual business cases can be logged, monitored, and marked as resolved, providing an easy way for users to follow the development of each task that needs to be completed.

3. Predictive Functions and AI

As CRM systems become more sophisticated, the interactions they facilitate with customers also change and evolve. Functions like predictive analysis offer businesses a way to generate high quality leads and move forward on the leads that may be the most promising, based on other data. Through automation and to a limited degree Artificial Intelligence (AI), CRM technology has developed the ability to drive marketing and sales activities with customers, up until the final stage -- making the sale.

4. Specialized CRM Technology

Because every business has distinctly different needs when it comes to Customer Relationship Systems, the software available is becoming more differentiated. Now, companies can look for CRM technology that caters to operations that are specific to their industry or field. Systems have been developed for e-commerce, retail, nonprofit organizations, and even real estate. Companies can choose from systems that have optimized ticketing or sales functions, as well as other add-on technologies, like integration between departments or cloud computing.

5. Dynamic Customer Insights

The biggest feature to watch in CRM technology right now could be Dynamic Customers Insights (DCI). While analytics and relationship insights have been offered in past CRM systems, the new dynamic insights for current and potential customers offer extensive information to inform marketing campaigns and sales efforts. Using data ranging from web use and email interactions, to surveys, partner data, and customer loyalty ratings, a more complete picture of potential customers is now available. Dynamic Customers Insights combine big data with analysis to provide valuable information that guides customer interactions and informs targeted marketing campaigns.

Leveraging the possibilities that have become available through emerging CRM technology is essential for businesses. The new features offer countless ways to convert business leads into transactions that are rewarding for the company and the customer alike.