Love and Resolutions for Boston Startups in 2015

When Startup Institute (at the time, Boston Startup School) was founded in 2012 by Katie, Reed, Shaun, and Aaron, it was out born out of love for Boston startups. The Boston startup community thrives because of a collective pay-it-forward mentality, and our founders wanted to give back to Boston by providing the high-growth economy with the quality talent it needs. Two and a half years, eight cohorts, and hundreds of instructors volunteering their time-- paying-it-forward-- to our students later, we’re more in love with Boston startups than ever, and are looking for more ways to help it grow. Boston Program Director Allan Telio has some resolutions for the startup community in 2015, published in BetaBoston last week. They start with jello and they end with ice cream.

Read more about Allan's resolutions for Boston startups on BetaBoston.

Photo credit: Marie and Alistair Knock via Flickr cc